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Search for: "Gasherbrum I" returned 60 item(s).
Winter 8000: Climbing the World’s Highest Mountains in the Coldest Season: McDonald, Bernadette
signedMcDonald, Bernadette Winter 8000: Climbing the World’s Highest Mountains in the Coldest Season
2020 UK Ltd Signed ed n/250, 8vo, pp.266, 45 color & 28 bw photos, appendices, orange cloth; signed, dj & cloth new #27685 $94.95
Limited, Signed, & Numbered Edition of 250 While you wouldn’t expect climbing an 8000-meter peak in winter to be a popular activity, there have been 178 expeditions (as of 2019) to the Himalaya and Karakoram during the cruelest season to do just that. Polish alpinist, Voytek Kurtyka, termed the p[read more]

Aufstieg in die Todeszone: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Expeditionsarztes [Ascent into the Death Zone: The Diary of an Expedition Physician]: Mees, Klaus
Mees, Klaus Aufstieg in die Todeszone: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Expeditionsarztes [Ascent into the Death Zone: The Diary of an Expedition Physician]
2003 Germany 1st, 8vo, pp.224, photo frontis, 46 color & 17 bw photos, orange cloth; dj & cloth new #25031 $29.00
Mees has acted as expedition doctor on a number of expeditions and is a climber himself, having summitted Cho Oyu (2002), Gasherbrum II (2003), and attempted Everest (2004, 2005, 2006). Here he discusses his earlier climbs in the Andes and then devotes half the book to his ascent of Cho Oyu. In Ge[read more]

All 14 Eight-Thousanders: Messner, Reinhold
Messner, Reinhold All 14 Eight-Thousanders
1989 Crowood Wiltshire 2nd, 4to, pp.247, color frontis, 143 color & 76 bw photos, 19 maps/drawings, 8 tables, blue cloth; dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #27625 $24.95
Messner, the first to climb all 14 of the world’s 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak, Shishapangma), describes each of his climbs and his philosophies. An important book and a good reference so[read more]

All 14 Eight-Thousanders: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold All 14 Eight-Thousanders
1988 Cloudcap Seattle 1st, 4to, pp.247, color frontis, 143 color & 76 bw photos, 19 maps/drawings, 8 tables, blue cloth; signed Messner, Kurt Diemberger, & Robert Schauer, dj unclipped, fine, cloth fine #21960 $195.00 $124.00
Messner, the first to climb all 14 of the world’s 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak, Shishapangma), describes each of his climbs and his philosophies. This is the true first edition! An import[read more]

All 14 Eight-Thousanders: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold All 14 Eight-Thousanders
1988 Cloudcap Seattle 1st, 4to, pp.247, color frontis, 143 color & 76 bw photos, 19 maps/drawings, 8 tables, blue cloth; signed Messner, Carlos Carsolio, Peter Habeler May 8, 1978, dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #27950 $195.00
Messner, the first to climb all 14 of the world’s 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak, Shishapangma), describes each of his climbs and his philosophies. Habeler, together with Messner, made the [read more]

Gefahren und Gefährten: Abenteuer auf Spitzbergen [Hazards and Companions: Adventure in Spitsbergen]: Moravec, Fritz
signedMoravec, Fritz Gefahren und Gefährten: Abenteuer auf Spitzbergen [Hazards and Companions: Adventure in Spitsbergen]
1963 Österreichischer Bundersverlag Wien/München 2nd, 8vo, pp.160, 4 color & 41 bw photos, map, photo eps, dec blue cloth; inscribed, dj w/ few edge tears, cloth bright, fine #26814 $49.00
Although best known for his Himalayan expeditions, which included the first ascent of Gasherbrum II in 1956, Moravec also had two expeditions to northern Spitsbergen, in 1958 and 1960. Here he provides accounts of his explorations, via dogsled, and an epic boat journey around the southern coast of S[read more]

Himalaya-Bergsteigen einst und heute: Von den Ersten Erkundungen zu den käuflichen Gipfeln [Himalayan Mountaineering Then and Now: From the First Explorations to the Commercial Peaks]: Moravec, Fritz
Moravec, Fritz Himalaya-Bergsteigen einst und heute: Von den Ersten Erkundungen zu den käuflichen Gipfeln [Himalayan Mountaineering Then and Now: From the First Explorations to the Commercial Peaks]
1998 Picus Wien 1st, small 8vo, pp.72, dec cloth; issued w/o dj, cloth new #20556 $9.00 $7.00
Moravec, and team, made the first ascent of Gasherbrum II in 1956. This is a small reprinted version of his account of the climb. In German, no English translation. To see all of our Sale Items, click here.[read more]

Weisse Berge - Schwarze Menschen [White Mountains – Black People]: Moravec, Fritz
signedMoravec, Fritz Weisse Berge - Schwarze Menschen [White Mountains – Black People]
1958 Österriechischer Wien 2nd, 8vo, pp.224, 13 bw photos, map/photo eps, dec green/white cloth with Postcard Austrian Gasherbrum II Expedition; cloth corners rubbed, very good, postcard signed 8 – Fritz Moravec, E. Gattinger, Sepp Larch, Hans Ratay, Richard Reinagi, G. Weiler, Hans Willenpart, + 1, slight damp marks on address area, very good #27568 $195.00
Moravec provides the official expedition account of the first ascent of Gasherbrum II in 1956. Also included is an account of a trip through the Ruwenzori mountains of Africa to Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro. Important as one of the 8000-meter first ascent books. Moravec, Larch, and Willenpart all rea[read more]

 La Voce del Ghiaccio - Gli Ottomila in Inverno: Il Mio Sogno Quasi Impossibile (The Voice of the Ice – The Eight-thousanders in Winter: My Almost Impossible Dream): Moro, Simone
signedMoro, Simone La Voce del Ghiaccio - Gli Ottomila in Inverno: Il Mio Sogno Quasi Impossibile (The Voice of the Ice – The Eight-thousanders in Winter: My Almost Impossible Dream)
2012 Rizzoli Milano 2nd prtg, 8vo, pp.282, 58 color photos, blue cloth; signed, dj & cloth new #26453 $95.00
Italian mountaineer Moro has been pushing the boundaries of high altitude climbing for some time and is at the top of his game. His specialities are new routes and first ascents in winter. Of the 8000m peaks he has climbed Lhotse (1997), Cho Oyu (2002), Broad Peak (2003), Shisha Pangma (first wint[read more]

signedReinisch, Gertrude Wanda Rutkiewicz: Karawane der Träume [Wanda Rutkiewicz: A Caravan of Dreams]
1998 Munchen 1st, 4to, pp.192, 192 color & 25 bw photos, blue cloth; signed Kurt Diemberger, dj & cloth new. #17406 $59.00
At long last, an English-language book on the great Polish climber Wanda Rutkiewicz. Rutkiewicz was regarded as the top woman climber of her day with ascents of eight 8000m peaks - Everest (1978), Nanga Parbat (1985), K2 (1986), Shishapangma (1987), Gasherbrum II (1989), Gasherbrum I (1990), Cho Oy[read more]

Rey, Guido Peaks and Precipices: Scrambles in the Dolomites and Savoy
1914 Unwin London 1st, tall 8vo, pp.238, photo frontis, 75 bw photos, teg, gilt dec red cloth; printed signature Tom Nevison Feb. 1955, cloth rubbed, tight, vg+. #23335 $185.00
Rey was a wealthy Italian climber who made the third ascent of Monte Rosa, and had the Cresta Rey named after him. He wrote the definitive work on the Matterhorn and here covers his climbs in the Dolomites and the Chamonix Aiguilles. Nevison, who has signed his name to this book, was a member of t[read more]

Karakoram Himalaya: Bezwingung von Siebentausendern: Roch, André
Roch, André Karakoram Himalaya: Bezwingung von Siebentausendern
1947 Rascher Zürich 1st thus 8vo, pp.177, color frontis, 33 bw photos, 3 maps, light brown cloth; dj vg, cloth fine #26824 $29.00 $19.00
Account of the 1934 Swiss/International Reconnaissance expedition to Gasherbrum I (Hidden Peak) led by Gunter Dyhrenfurth. This is the first German edition, published two years after the French softcover edition,, no English translation. To see all of our Sale Items,
Roch, André Karakoram Himalaya: Sommets de 7000m
1945 Attinger Neuchatel 1st, 8vo, pp.187, color frontis, 35 bw photos, 3 maps, wraps; vg+. #17404 $29.00
Account of the 1934 Swiss/International Reconnaissance expedition to Gasherbrum I (Hidden Peak) led by Gunter Dyhrenfurth. In French, no English translation.[read more]

Rowell, Galen High and Wild: Essays and Photographs on Wilderness Adventure
2002 US rev ed, 4to, pp.224, photo frontis, 111 color photos, blue cloth; dj & cloth new. #22429 $35.00 $28.00
An all new, revised and expanded edition! Rowell made nearly 40 journeys to mountain ranges throughout the world and participated in expeditions to several 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Gasherbrum II). This new revision offers many new essays and great new photos.[read more]

On Top of the World: The New Millennium – The Continuing Quest to Climb the World’s Highest Mountains: Sale, Richard, Eberhard Jurgalski, & George Rodway
signedSale, Richard, Eberhard Jurgalski, & George Rodway On Top of the World: The New Millennium – The Continuing Quest to Climb the World’s Highest Mountains
2012 UK 1st, 4to, pp.248, photo frontis, 258 color & 27 bw photos, 1 color illus, sketch, 31 tables, blue cloth; signed Sale, dj & cloth new #26028 $59.95
This is a terrific update to Sale and John Cleare’s earlier work ‘On Top of the World/Climbing the World’s 14 Highest Mountains’ published in 2000. Each of the 14 8000m peaks has a chapter with a brief historical overview followed by focus on events of the last ten years. The photo selection is su[read more]

A La Conquête de l'Impossible: Seigneur, Yannick
Seigneur, Yannick A La Conquête de l'Impossible
1976 Flammarion Paris 1st, 8vo, pp.203, 14 bw photos, wraps; vg+ #13035 $19.00 $5.00
Accounts of Seigneur's climbs in the Alps, Andes, (Huascaran), and Himalaya (Makalu and Gasherbrum II). In French, no English translation. Perret 4004, Yak S136. To see all of our Sale Items, click here.[read more]

Karakoram: Climbing Through the Kashmir Conflict: Swenson, Steve
Swenson, Steve Karakoram: Climbing Through the Kashmir Conflict
2017 US 1st, 8vo, pp.317, photo frontis, 16 color & 13 bw photos, 6 maps, black cloth; dj & cloth new #27225 $26.95
Karakoram is world-class alpinist Steve Swenson’s personal story of climbing K2 and other peaks in the Karakoram Range that straddles the borders of China, India, and Pakistan — a story told against the backdrop of extreme altitude and harsh conflict between these nations for control of Kashmir. [read more]

Mountain World 1958/59: Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research
Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research Mountain World 1958/59
1959 Allen & Unwin London 1st, 8vo, pp.208, 52 bw photos (12 fldg), 6 maps (1 color fldg), brown cloth; dj rubbed, 2” tear on front, unclipped, good+, cloth fine #11561 $14.00
Includes the first ascents of Gasherbrum II, Broad Peak, and Manaslu. Diemberger provides his account of the first ascent of Broad Peak and his final climb with Hermann Buhl on Chogolisa. Neate j78, SB S62, see Yak S116.[read more]

Mountain World 1958/59: Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research
Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research Mountain World 1958/59
1959 Harper NY 8vo, pp.208, 52 bw photos (12 fldg), 6 maps (1 color fldg), brown cloth; dj rubbed, chipped/taped top spine, vg, cloth fine #15049 $29.00 $24.00
Includes the first ascents of Gasherbrum II, Broad Peak, and Manaslu. Diemberger provides his account of the first ascent of Broad Peak and his final climb with Hermann Buhl on Chogolisa. Neate j78, SB S62, see Yak S116. To see all of our Sale Items, click[read more]

First Ascent: Pioneering Mountain Climbs: Venables, Stephen
Venables, Stephen First Ascent: Pioneering Mountain Climbs
2008 US 1st, 4to, pp.192, photo frontis, 152 color & 59 bw photos, 8 color & 2 bw illus, pictorial cloth; dj unclipped, fine cloth fine #25105 $44.95 $9.00
In this large-format book, Venables takes readers back to a time when there were many mountains yet to be climbed. Using first-hand accounts and archival photographs, he tells the exciting history of world mountaineering by describing in vivid detail 70 first ascents of the most daunting peaks. At t[read more]

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