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Search for: "Alps" returned 222 item(s).
Psychovertical: Kirkpatrick, Andy
signedKirkpatrick, Andy Psychovertical
2008 UK 2nd prtg, 8vo, pp.277, 35 color photos, 12 bw illus, 14 route drawings, map, blue cloth; signed, dj fine, cloth fine #26011 $95.00
Kirkpatrick is one of the world’s most accomplished mountaineers and big-wall climbers. In this, his first book, he describes his 13-day solo ascent of El Capitan’s Reticent Wall interwoven with his earlier climbs in Yosemite, the Alps, and Fitzroy. Winner of the 2008 Boardman-Tasker Award for Mou[read more]

Psychovertical: Kirkpatrick, Andy
signedKirkpatrick, Andy Psychovertical
2008 UK 1st, 8vo, pp.277, 35 color photos, 12 bw illus, 14 route drawings, map, blue cloth; signed, dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #26134 $95.00
Kirkpatrick is one of the world’s most accomplished mountaineers and big-wall climbers. In this, his first book, he describes his 13-day solo ascent of El Capitan’s Reticent Wall interwoven with his earlier climbs in Yosemite, the Alps, and Fitzroy. Winner of the 2008 Boardman-Tasker Award for Mo[read more]

“Let’s Go Climbing!”: Kirkus, Colin
Kirkus, Colin “Let’s Go Climbing!”
1946 Nelson London 2nd, 8vo, pp.vii, 200, photo frontis, 17 bw photos, color map, green top edge, red cloth; dj chipped/edge tears, clipped, good, cloth w/ inscription, tight, very good #27566 $12.00
Kirkus (1910-42) was a British rock climber who climbed extensively in Wales, making a number of new routes with Menlove Edwards, as well as in the Alps and Himalaya. In this instructional book, first published in 1941, he also describes several climbs including the 1933 expedition to Satopanth, led[read more]

Knight, Max Return to the Alps
1978 Friends of the Earth SF 4to, pp.159, color frontis, 53 color photos, photo eps, green cloth; dj fine, cloth fine. #9829 $25.00
A very nice Format Series book on the Alps.[read more]

Zehn Grosse Wande: Zweite Heimat [Ten Great Walls: Second Home]: Kuchar, Radovan
Kuchar, Radovan Zehn Grosse Wande: Zweite Heimat [Ten Great Walls: Second Home]
1967 Orell Füssli Zürich 1st, 8vo, pp.200, 40 bw photos, 5 maps, grey cloth; dj rubbed, unclipped, vg, cloth w/ 1 map w/ route line/date in ink, else fine #27380 $9.00 $7.65
Kuchar, a Czech mountaineer, describes his climbs in the Alps (Grand Charmoz Nord, Petit Dru, Grande Jorasses, Matterhorn, Eiger), Caucasus (Dychtau), and Hindu Kush (Uparsina, first ascent). In German, no English translation. To see all of our Sale Items, c[read more]

Kugy, Dr. Julius Alpine Pilgrimage
1934 Murray London 1st, 8vo, pp.xxii, 374, photos frontis, 20 bw photos, fldg map, red cloth; cloth rubbed, vg. #9840 $49.00
Account of Kugy's pioneering climbs in the Julian Alps and other Alpine climbs. Neate K48.[read more]

Alpine Pilgrimage Prospectus: Kugy, Dr. Julius
Kugy, Dr. Julius Alpine Pilgrimage Prospectus
[1934] Murray London 8vo, pp.4, 1 color illus, wraps; unfolded, as new #26266 $29.00
The original prospectus for Kugy’s book ‘Alpine Pilgrimage’. This 4-page prospectus describes Kugy’s book on the back page in a review from The Times. Alpine Pilgrimage was his account of pioneering climbs in the Julian Alps and other Alpine climbs. Internally are descriptions for four other titl[read more]

A l'Assaut des “Quatre Mille”: Lambert, Raymond
Lambert, Raymond A l'Assaut des “Quatre Mille”
1953 Jeheber Paris 2nd, 8vo, pp.238, 20 bw photos; ¾ leather & marbled boards; board edges/corners worn, bookplate, vg #20705 $39.00 $14.00
Accounts of various climbs throughout the Alps. This expanded second edition includes an account of the Swiss attempts on Everest in 1952. This is the first hardcover copy we’ve had. In French, no English translation. Yak L25. To see all of our Sale Items,
Fontana di Giovinezza [Fountain of Youth]: Lammer, Eugen Guido
Lammer, Eugen Guido Fontana di Giovinezza [Fountain of Youth]
1932 L’Eroica Milano 1st Italian, thick 16mo, pp.362, 20 bw photos, green cloth; cloth fine #26538 $75.00 $25.00
Lammer (1863-1945) was an Austrian mountaineer, alpine write, and educator. He was one of the first proponents of guideless climbing and made a number of first ascents in the Alps, sometimes climbing with Oscar Eckenstein. This is the Italian edition of Lammer’s autobiography, ‘Jungborn’, publishe[read more]

The Alps: Leprohon, Pierre
Leprohon, Pierre The Alps
1983 Minerva SA Geneva 1st, 4to, pp.96, photo frontis, 195 color photos, photo eps, blue cloth; dj unclipped, vg, cloth fine #27382 $7.00 $5.95
A nice, large-format, photo book highlighting the mountains and villages of this beautiful country. To see all of our Sale Items, click here.[read more]

Über dem Abgrund – Senkrecht bis Überhängend: Aus dem Leben eines Passionierten Bergsteigers [Above the Abyss – Vertical to Overhanging: From the Life of a Passionate Mountaineer]: Livanos, Georges
Livanos, Georges Über dem Abgrund – Senkrecht bis Überhängend: Aus dem Leben eines Passionierten Bergsteigers [Above the Abyss – Vertical to Overhanging: From the Life of a Passionate Mountaineer]
1960 Albert Müller Zürich 1st, 8vo, pp.251, 17 bw photos, blue cloth; cloth pulled top spine, toning to cover edges, vg #27383 $12.00 $10.20
Livanos, a French mountaineer, created over 500 new routes, primarily in the Dolomites and Western Alps, and climbed with Jean Franco and Gaston Rebuffat. He recounts many of those climbs here. In German, no English translation. To see all of our Sale Items, [read more]

This My Voyage: Longstaff, Tom
Longstaff, Tom This My Voyage
1951 Murray London 2nd, 8vo, pp.324, photo frontis, 28 bw photos, 15 maps, red cloth; cloth lightly rubbed, tight, near fine #24898 $59.00 $62.10
Longstaff’s authoritative climbing memoirs. He climbed on most ranges in the northern hemisphere and was so well thought of he was even invited by Robert Scott to go to the Antarctic, an offer he refused. Chapters include the Alps, Caucasus, Kumaon Himalaya, Garhwal Himalaya, Tibet, Nepal, Everest, [read more]

The Mountains of Youth: Lunn, Arnold
Lunn, Arnold The Mountains of Youth
1949 Oxford Univ Press London 2nd, 8vo, pp.xvi, 192, color frontis, 18 bw photos, brown cloth; cloth spine faded, inscription to fep, rear hinge cracked, vg- #27384 $5.00 $4.25
Lunn, a prolific writer, gives his account of his early days spent climbing in the Alps and his pioneer ski mountaineering. A classic work. Neate L76. To see all of our Sale Items, click here.[read more]

The Mountains of Youth: Lunn, Arnold
signedLunn, Arnold The Mountains of Youth
1925 Oxford Univ Press London 1st, 8vo, pp.192, ads, 20 blue-toned photos, uncut, green cloth; inscribed by Lunn Nov 25th, 1935, dj heavily chipped, taped, good, cloth fine #26204 $95.00 $65.00
Lunn, a prolific writer, gives his account of his early days spent climbing in the Alps and his pioneer ski mountaineering. A classic work. Neate L76. To see all of our Sale Items, click here.[read more]

Lunn, Arnold The Swiss and their Mountains: A Study of the Influence of Mountains on Man
1963 Allen & Unwin London 1st, 8vo, pp.167, color frontis, 23 bw illus, blue cloth; dj rubbed, vg, cloth w/ pencil name, fine. #24095 $19.00
Written as a tribute to the Swiss Alpin Club on the occasion of their centenary, this is an essay primarily of the influence of the Alps on the Swiss. From the collection of American mountaineer Richard Irvin with his signature. Neate L82.[read more]

American Alpine Club LibraryMacInnes, Hamish Beyond the Ranges: Five Years in the Life of…
1984 Gollancz London 1st, 8vo, pp.xi, 202, 40 bw photos, 2 maps, blue cloth; dj w/ small tear back, near fine, cloth w/ King blindstamp, fine #24903 $25.00 $22.50
MacInnes is a well-traveled mountaineer and author. Here are his stories of adventures in the Andes, filming with Sean Connery in the Alps, ballooning to the top of Ben Nevis, filming, and more. Many of his climbs were together with Joe Brown. Neate M10. King, Benjamin E (Tom) (1929 – 1985) – [read more]

John Pascoe: MacLean, Chris
MacLean, Chris John Pascoe
2003 NZ 1st, 4to, pp.344, 63 color & 247 bw photos, 14 color & 8 bw illus, 4 color maps, black cloth; dj & cloth new. #23501 $59.95
In his heyday, Pascoe (1908-1972) was known as the 'Man of the Mountains', an accolade he earned for climbing many virgin peaks in New Zealand’s Southern Alps, and as the author of numerous books on early exploration and mountaineering. But these achievements have obscured his other remarkable cont[read more]

Maestri, Cesare …E Se La Vita Continua […And If Life Continues]
1997 Baldini & Castoldi Milano 2nd, 8vo, pp.255, wraps; fine. #24422 $29.00
An extended autobiography by Maestri in which he covers not only his early climbs in the Dolomites and Alps but also details the tragic, and controversial, ascent of Cerro Torre in 1959. It was this climb on which Toni Egger perished. In Italian, no English translation.[read more]

The West Face: Magnone, Guido
American Alpine Club LibraryMagnone, Guido The West Face
1955 Museum Press London 1st, 8vo, pp.166, photo frontis, 14 bw photos, 3 diagrams, appendices, green cloth; dj chipped top/bottom spine, rubbed, unclipped, good, cloth tight, eps browned along dj flap, very good #24293 $75.00
Magnone will be remembered as one of the greatest of alpine climbers. In 1949 he accomplished his first major climb, the Northeast Face of the Piz Badile, long regarded as one of the most arduous rock climbs in the Alps. Two years later, with Lionel Terray, he made the first ascent of Fitzroy, regar[read more]

With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand Alps: Mannering, George Edward
signedAmerican Alpine Club LibraryMannering, George Edward With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand Alps
1891 Longmans, Green London 1st, 8vo, pp.viii, 139, frontis w/ tissue guard, 17 bw illus, color fldg map, appendix, w/o ads, teg, marbled eps, raised bands, ½ leather/marbled boards; inscribed ‘A red letter day of ? In making Mr. Montagnier G Mannering 17 July 1922’, ½ spine off, spine sep from backstrip, Montagnier & AAC/Montagnier plates, frontis before Preface, fair #24906 $325.00 $292.50
Mannering, a self-trained climber, attempted the unclimbed Mount Cook without guides. He was later a co-founder of the New Zealand Alpine Club and was responsible for much exploration and survey work in the Mount Cook area. Neate M40. Montagnier, Henry Fairbanks (1877 – 1933) – Member of the AA[read more]

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