Wilson, John Joy of Mountains – A Climber’s Life: John Harrison (1932 – 1966) 2012 NZ 1st, oblong 8vo, pp.256, 45 color & 114 bw photos; 5 color & 21 bw illus, wraps; new #27201 $44.95
John Harrison died in an avalanche in 1966 when he was helping to search for four young climbers missing on the Otira face of Mount Rolleston in Arthur's Pass National Park, NZ. The death of one of the country’s leading climbers while he was on a search and rescue mission shocked the nation. In a no[read more]
Wyss, Max Albert The Magic of the Mountains: A Photographic Essay on the Swiss, Austrian and Italian Alps 1966 Book Adventures NY 1st, 4to, pp.88, 42 color & 33 bw photos, sketches, blue cloth; cloth w/ 1” tear bottom spine, tight, vg #27399 $8.00 $6.80
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