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Search for: "8000" returned 136 item(s).
K2: The Price of Conquest: Lacedelli, Lino & Giovanni Cenacchi
Lacedelli, Lino & Giovanni Cenacchi K2: The Price of Conquest
2006 US 1st, 8vo, pp.127, 21 color & 28 bw photos, wraps; new #24342 $16.95
In the 50 years since the Italian ascent of K2, Lino Lacedelli never released a statement regarding the summit climb he made with Achille Compagnoni, an event which was celebrated in Italy with great pride. However, when the team, led by Ardito Desio, returned home a terrible accusation was leveled[read more]

Master of Thin Air: Life and Death on the World’s Highest Peaks: Lock, Andrew
Lock, Andrew Master of Thin Air: Life and Death on the World’s Highest Peaks
2015 US 1st US, 8vo, pp.xiii, 332, 26 color photos, 2 bw maps, black cloth; dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, very fine #27816 $19.00
A thrilling memoir of the spectacular high-altitude mountaineering achievements of Andrew Lock: the only Australian to have summited all fourteen 8000m peaks in the world, including Everest - twice. Lock gives us a gripping account of his death-defying ascents and explains his passion for climbin[read more]

1978 Souvenir Cover International Makalu Expedition: Makalu.
signedMakalu. 1978 Souvenir Cover International Makalu Expedition
1978 1 of 100; signed Kurt Diemberger #22389 $39.00
This international Austrian-German-Nepalese expedition placed seven members on the summit of Makalu, including Warth and Diemberger. Diemberger’s signature is desireable as he is one of only two people to make the first ascent of two 8000m peaks - Broad Peak, with Hermann Buhl, and Dhaulagiri.[read more]

Karakoram: The Ascent of Gasherbrum IV: Maraini, Fosco
Maraini, Fosco Karakoram: The Ascent of Gasherbrum IV
1961 Hutchinson London 1st, 8vo, pp.320, 58 color & 50 bw photos, 20 maps/drawings, appendices, map eps, tan cloth; dj w/ light rubbing, unclipped, very good, cloth tight, fine #18963 $165.00
Account of the 1958 Italian first ascent of Gasherbrum IV (K3), with excellent photos throughout. GIV, while barely under the 8000m mark at 7925m, is more difficult than some higher peaks and has seen few ascents. One of my favorites. This UK edition is less common than the US edition. Neate M47,[read more]

K2: Lies and Treachery: Marshall, Robert
signedMarshall, Robert K2: Lies and Treachery
2009 UK 1st, ltd ed 500, 8vo, pp.232, 7 bw photos, 2 maps, appendices, red cloth; signed, dj & cloth new #25288 $64.95
The 1954 Italian ascent of K2 was one of the most significant in the history of climbing. In Italy news of the success was triumphantly greeted by a nation keen to re-establish itself on the world’s stage after the destruction and humiliation of WWII. When they returned the climbers, and in particul[read more]

K2: Lies and Treachery: Marshall, Robert
Marshall, Robert K2: Lies and Treachery
2009 UK 1st, ltd ed 500, 8vo, pp.232, 7 bw photos, 2 maps, appendices, red cloth; dj & cloth new #25258 $39.95
The 1954 Italian ascent of K2 was one of the most significant in the history of climbing. In Italy news of the success was triumphantly greeted by a nation keen to re-establish itself on the world’s stage after the destruction and humiliation of WWII. When they returned the climbers, and in particul[read more]

Mauduit, Chantal Vivir en el Paraíso
2002 Desnivel Madrid 1st thus, 8vo, pp.154, wraps; new. #22519 $29.00
Mauduit, one of the top French woman climbers, continually pushed her high-altitude abilities and reached the summit of six 8000ers (K2, Shishapangma, Cho Oyu, Lhotse, Manaslu, GII). She also attempted Everest several times, Annapurna, and was killed while on Dhaulagiri in 1998. Note there are no [read more]

Alpine Warriors: McDonald, Bernadette
signedMcDonald, Bernadette Alpine Warriors
2015 Canada 1st, 8vo, pp.335, 93 color & 37 bw photos, black cloth; signed, dj & cloth new #27016 $39.95
After the Second World War a period of relative calm began in Josip Broz Tito’s Yugoslavia. Through elaborate training programs and state-supported expeditions abroad, Yugoslavian alpinists began making impressive climbs in the Himalaya as early as 1960. These teams were dominated by Slovenian climb[read more]

Winter 8000: Climbing the World’s Highest Mountains in the Coldest Season: McDonald, Bernadette
signedMcDonald, Bernadette Winter 8000: Climbing the World’s Highest Mountains in the Coldest Season
2020 UK Ltd Signed ed n/250, 8vo, pp.266, 45 color & 28 bw photos, appendices, orange cloth; signed, dj & cloth new #27685 $94.95
Limited, Signed, & Numbered Edition of 250 While you wouldn’t expect climbing an 8000-meter peak in winter to be a popular activity, there have been 178 expeditions (as of 2019) to the Himalaya and Karakoram during the cruelest season to do just that. Polish alpinist, Voytek Kurtyka, termed the p[read more]

3 x 8000 Mein Grosses Himalaya-Jahr [3 x 8000 My Great Himalaya Year]: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold 3 x 8000 Mein Grosses Himalaya-Jahr [3 x 8000 My Great Himalaya Year]
1983 Herbig München 1st, 4to, pp.161, photo frontis, 195 color & 82 bw photos, 18 drawings, 7 maps, photo eps, blue cloth; signed Nazir Sabir, dj near fine, cloth fine #20553 $85.00
Messner has been as prolific with his book writing as with his mountain climbing. This is one of many titles that have never been translated into English. This covers the period from May 1982 to May 1983 when Messner climbed Kangchenjunga, GII, Broad Peak, and came within 250 feet of the summit of[read more]

Messner, Reinhold 3 x 8000 Mein Grosses Himalaya-Jahr [3 x 8000 My Great Himalaya Year]
1983 Herbig München 1st, 4to, pp.161, photo frontis, 195 color & 82 bw photos, 18 drawings, 7 maps, photo eps, blue cloth; xlib, dj taped to cloth, number on spine, vg+, cloth w/ usual stamps, vg+. #22096 $29.00
Messner has been as prolific with his book writing as with his mountain climbing. This is one of many titles that have never been translated into English. This covers the period from May 1982 to May 1983 when Messner climbed Kangchenjunga, GII, Broad Peak, and came within 250 feet of the summit of[read more]

All 14 Eight-Thousanders: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold All 14 Eight-Thousanders
1988 Cloudcap Seattle 1st, 4to, pp.247, color frontis, 143 color & 76 bw photos, 19 maps/drawings, 8 tables, blue cloth; signed Messner, Carlos Carsolio, Peter Habeler May 8, 1978, dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #27950 $195.00
Messner, the first to climb all 14 of the world’s 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak, Shishapangma), describes each of his climbs and his philosophies. Habeler, together with Messner, made the [read more]

All 14 Eight-Thousanders: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold All 14 Eight-Thousanders
1988 Cloudcap Seattle 1st, 4to, pp.247, color frontis, 143 color & 76 bw photos, 19 maps/drawings, 8 tables, blue cloth; signed Messner, Kurt Diemberger, & Robert Schauer, dj unclipped, fine, cloth fine #21960 $195.00 $124.00
Messner, the first to climb all 14 of the world’s 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak, Shishapangma), describes each of his climbs and his philosophies. This is the true first edition! An import[read more]

All 14 Eight-Thousanders: Messner, Reinhold
Messner, Reinhold All 14 Eight-Thousanders
1989 Crowood Wiltshire 2nd, 4to, pp.247, color frontis, 143 color & 76 bw photos, 19 maps/drawings, 8 tables, blue cloth; dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #27625 $24.95
Messner, the first to climb all 14 of the world’s 8000m peaks (Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna, Gasherbrum I & II, Broad Peak, Shishapangma), describes each of his climbs and his philosophies. An important book and a good reference so[read more]

Annapurna: 50 Years of Expeditions in the Death Zone: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold Annapurna: 50 Years of Expeditions in the Death Zone
2000 US 1st, 8vo, pp.173, 42 color & 96 bw photos, 2 maps, blue cloth; signed, dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #21075 $125.00
To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the first ascent of an 8000m peak, Messner reconstructs the history of climbing on Annapurna. Included are not only the historic first ascent but also Bonington’s expedition on the South Face (1970), Loretan and Joos’ traverse (1984), and Messner’s ascent [read more]

Annapurna: 50 Years of Expeditions in the Death Zone: Messner, Reinhold
Messner, Reinhold Annapurna: 50 Years of Expeditions in the Death Zone
2000 US 1st, 8vo, pp.173, 42 color & 96 bw photos, 2 maps, blue cloth; dj new, cloth w/ bottom edge mark, else new. #20168 $24.95 $9.95
To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the first ascent of an 8000m peak, Messner reconstructs the history of climbing on Annapurna. Included are not only the historic first ascent but also Bonington’s expedition on the South Face (1970), Loretan and Joos’ traverse (1984), and Messner’s ascent [read more]

Messner, Reinhold Everest: Expedition to the Ultimate
1979 Oxford NY 1st, 8vo, pp.254, 37 color & 42 bw photos, 6 maps, photo eps, orange cloth; dj fine, cloth fine #23328 $79.00
Account of the 1978 first ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen, with Peter Habeler, a tremendous achievement. Robert Schauer was a member of this expedition as well and has climbed a number of 8000m peaks. Neate M88, SB M26, Yak M169.[read more]

Everest: Expedition to the Ultimate: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold Everest: Expedition to the Ultimate
1979 Kaye & Ward London 1st, 8vo, pp.254, 37 color & 42 bw photos, 6 maps, photo eps, orange cloth; signed Messner, Peter Habeler, & Robert Schauer, dj rubbed on corners, spine lightly faded as usual, unclipped, vg+, cloth tight, fine #24399 $395.00
Account of the 1978 first ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen, with Peter Habeler, a tremendous achievement. Robert Schauer was a member of this expedition as well and has climbed a number of 8000m peaks. Neate M88, SB M26, Yak M169.[read more]

Free Spirit: A Climber's Life: Messner, Reinhold
Messner, Reinhold Free Spirit: A Climber's Life
1991 Mountaineers Seattle 1st, 8vo, pp.250, photo frontis, 29 color & 35 bw photos, 2 maps, photo eps, black cloth; dj unclipped, fine, cloth fine #26837 $35.00 $19.00
Messner, regarded as one of the best climber’s of all time, presents his autobiography from his early climbs in the Dolomites, to the Himalaya and the 8000-metre peaks, and through his crossing of Antarctica in 1990. Out of print in hardcover. SB M30. To see all of our Sale Items,
Free Spirit: A Climber's Life: Messner, Reinhold
signedMessner, Reinhold Free Spirit: A Climber's Life
1991 Mountaineers Seattle 1st, 8vo, pp.250, photo frontis, 29 color & 35 bw photos, 2 maps, photo eps, black cloth; signed, dj unclipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #9902 $115.00
Messner, regarded as one of the best climber’s of all time, presents his autobiography from his early climbs in the Dolomites, to the Himalaya and the 8000-metre peaks, and through his crossing of Antarctica in 1990. Out of print in hardcover. SB M30.[read more]

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