MacInnes, Hamish Beyond the Ranges: Five Years in the Life of… 1984 Gollancz London 1st, 8vo, pp.xi, 202, 40 bw photos, 2 maps, blue cloth; dj w/ small tear back, near fine, cloth w/ King blindstamp, fine #24903 $25.00 $22.50
MacInnes is a well-traveled mountaineer and author. Here are his stories of adventures in the Andes, filming with Sean Connery in the Alps, ballooning to the top of Ben Nevis, filming, and more. Many of his climbs were together with Joe Brown. Neate M10.
King, Benjamin E (Tom) (1929 – 1985) – [read more]
Magnone, Guido The West Face 1955 Museum Press London 1st, 8vo, pp.166, photo frontis, 14 bw photos, 3 diagrams, appendices, green cloth; dj chipped top/bottom spine, rubbed, unclipped, good, cloth tight, eps browned along dj flap, very good #24293 $75.00
Magnone will be remembered as one of the greatest of alpine climbers. In 1949 he accomplished his first major climb, the Northeast Face of the Piz Badile, long regarded as one of the most arduous rock climbs in the Alps. Two years later, with Lionel Terray, he made the first ascent of Fitzroy, regar[read more]
Mannering, George Edward With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand Alps 1891 Longmans, Green London 1st, 8vo, pp.viii, 139, 24 ads, frontis w/ tissue guard, 17 bw illus, color fldg map, appendix, uncut, gold dec red cloth; cloth w/ former label mark bottom spine, spotting on front/back covers, DPL, Gabel, & AAC/Gabel bookplates, DPL stamp to title & copyright pages & top edge, some foxing, map w/ orig folds & no tears, good. #24905 $275.00 $198.00
Mannering, a self-trained climber, attempted the unclimbed Mount Cook without guides. He was later a co-founder of the New Zealand Alpine Club and was responsible for much exploration and survey work in the Mount Cook area. Neate M40.
DPL (Denver Public Library) – For a time, the AAC held its R[read more]
 Mannering, George Edward With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand Alps 1891 Longmans, Green London 1st, 8vo, pp.viii, 139, frontis w/ tissue guard, 17 bw illus, color fldg map, appendix, w/o ads, teg, marbled eps, raised bands, ½ leather/marbled boards; inscribed ‘A red letter day of ? In making Mr. Montagnier G Mannering 17 July 1922’, ½ spine off, spine sep from backstrip, Montagnier & AAC/Montagnier plates, frontis before Preface, fair #24906 $325.00 $292.50
Mannering, a self-trained climber, attempted the unclimbed Mount Cook without guides. He was later a co-founder of the New Zealand Alpine Club and was responsible for much exploration and survey work in the Mount Cook area. Neate M40.
Montagnier, Henry Fairbanks (1877 – 1933) – Member of the AA[read more]
Mawson, Sir Douglas The Home of the Blizzard: Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914 [1915] Lippincott Phil 2 vol, thick 8vo, vI pp.xxx, 349, frontis w/ tissue, 9 color & 143 bw plates, 6 fldg pans, 17 maps/illus, errata; vII pp.xiii, 338, frontis w/ tissue, 12 color & 117 bw plates, 7 fldg pans, 20 maps/illus, 3 color fldg maps in pocket; silver dec blue cloth; cloth w/ labels on both vols, DPL, Gabel & AAC/Gabel bookplates, DPL stamp on title, copyright pages & top edge, vI frontis separated, rear hinge cracked, vII hinges cracked, both vols bright, vg, maps fine w/ original folds #9232 $295.00 $212.40
Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914, is a classic account of early polar exploration. The expedition explored 1500 miles from George V Land to Queen Mary Land, and had a very rough time! This is a great read and one of the classics of polar literature! Spence 773.
DPL (Denver[read more]
Mitchell, John, ed. Guide Book to Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro 1971 Mountain Club of Kenya Nairobi 3rd, 16mo, pp.240, 16 bw photos, 6 maps/diagrams, 2 fldg maps, appendix, plastic covered wraps; cover a bit wrinkled as usual, vg #24909 $39.00 $35.10
This third edition was completely revised from the prior 1963 edition. Neate Q808.
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all current offerings from the AAC Library,
Mumm, A. L. Five Months in the Himalaya: A Record of Mountain Travel in Garhwal and Kashmir 1909 Longmans Green NY 1st, 8vo, pp xv, 263, photogravure frontis w/ tissue guard, 23 photogravure plates w/ tissue guards, 4 fldg panoramas, 47 bw photos, 2 color fldg maps, teg, uncut, dark blue cloth; cloth spine separated from backstrip, corners rubbed, front hinge taped, AAC/Ladd bookplate, good #24913 $595.00 $428.40
Mumm was a London publisher who liked to travel and climb. He was with Freshfield in the Ruwenzori (1905) and on Longstaff’s expedition to Trisul (1907). This is the account of the Trisul expedition and, although he did not reach the summit, he did bring along oxygen, the first use for high-altitu[read more]
Mumm, A. L. Five Months in the Himalaya: A Record of Mountain Travel in Garhwal and Kashmir 1909 Arnold London 1st, 8vo, pp xv, 263, photogravure frontis w/ tissue guard, 23 photogravure plates w/ tissue guards, 4 fldg panoramas, 47 bw photos, 2 color fldg maps, teg, uncut, dark blue cloth; rebound in red leather/buckram, spine lettering faint, front cover off, rear hinge taped, Field bookplate, NY Public Library stamp on fep, title page, some internal pages & maps, one map separated along fold lines, good #24912 $395.00 $284.40
Mumm was a London publisher who liked to travel and climb. He was with Freshfield in the Ruwenzori (1905) and on Longstaff’s expedition to Trisul (1907). This is the account of the Trisul expedition and, although he did not reach the summit, he did bring along oxygen, the first use for high-altitu[read more]
Musson, Spencer C. The Upper Engadine 1907 A & C Black London 1st, 8vo, pp.xii, 212, fldg map, frontis w/ tissue guard, 23 color illus, fldg map, uncut, dec tan cloth; cloth w/ AAC/Howorth bookplate, stamped George W. Gay MD on ½ title & title page, map w/ orig folds & no tears, near fine #24917 $35.00 $31.50
The Upper Engadine is celebrated as one of the most scenic valleys in Switzerland. This is an early work on the region.
Howorth, Beckett (1900 – 1986) – Former AAC member and Councilor (1945-49) and member of the AMC. In 1936 he made the first free ascent of the Grand Teton’s North Ridge in the[read more]
Nansen, Fridtjof In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times 1911 Stokes NY 1st, 2 vol, thick 8vo, vI pp.xviii, 384, color frontis w/ tissue guard, 86 illus/maps; vII pp.xiii, 420, color frontis w/ tissue guard, 76 illus/maps; gilt dec blue cloth; cloth w/ label marks bottom spines, Harry P. Nichols & AAC/Nichols bookplates, DPL stamp to title & copyright pages, tight, a bright looking set, vg+ #25085 $195.00 $140.40
Nansen took five years to complete his history of Arctic exploration, expanding beyond his initial intentions. Due to the unreliability of earlier accounts, he went back to the original sources. Presented here is a wealth of information including - Hecataeus of Miletus (5th century BC), Pytheas’ voy[read more]
Nesbit, Paul W. Longs Peak: Its Story and a Climbing Guide 1955 Nesbit Colorado Springs 3rd rev, 8vo, pp.48, 32 bw photos, 2 maps, wraps; near fine #24921 $7.00 $6.30
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all current offerings from the AAC Library, click here.[read more]
Priestley, Raymond E. Antarctic Adventure: Scott's Northern Party 1915 Dutton NY 1st, 8vo, pp.382, photo frontis w/ tissue guard, 149 bw photos, 2 fldg maps, silver dec blue cloth; cloth worn w/ some loss of gilt particularly to spine, remnant of Hall bookplate, vg #14460 $595.00 $428.40
Priestley was a member of Scott's 1910-13 expedition and went with the Northern Party to explore the coast of King Edward VII Land. Relief ships failed to pick them up forcing a winter in a snow cave. Quite scarce.
Spence 940.
Hall, Henry S., Jr. (1895 – 1987) – AAC Councilor (1923-33, 47-49[read more]
Putnam, William Lowell The Great Glacier and Its House 1982 AAC NY 1st, 4to, pp.223, photo frontis, 167 bw photos, 5 maps, appendices, map eps, black cloth; dj near fine, cloth fine #10015 $25.00 $22.50
The Selkirk Range, the Canadian railroad, and climbs and climbers from 1885-1925. Neate P104.
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all current offerings from the AAC Library,
 Putnam, William Lowell The Great Glacier and Its House: The Story of the First Center of Alpinism in North America 1885-1925 1982 AAC NY 1st, 4to, pp.223, photo frontis, 167 bw photos, 5 maps, appendices, map eps, black cloth; inscribed ‘For Henry Hall in anticipation of his 87th birthday, with gratitude for all you have done for alpinism. Bill Putnam’, dj fine, cloth fine #14665 $65.00 $58.50
The Selkirk Range, the Canadian railroad, and climbs and climbers from 1885-1925. Neate P104.
Hall, Henry S., Jr. (1895 – 1987) – AAC Councilor (1923-33, 47-49, 53-73), Secretary (1933-46), President (1950-52), Honorary Member (1962), and first Honorary President (1974-87). He was also a founde[read more]
Reader, John Kilimanjaro 1982 Universe NY 1st, 4to, pp.xii, 84, 81 color photos, 8 bw illus, 2 maps, brown cloth; dj rubbed, near fine, cloth w/King blindstamp, fine #24352 $59.00 $53.10
A spectacular large-format work on Africa’s highest peak. Scarce. Neate R14.
King, Benjamin E (Tom) (1929 – 1985) – AAC member who wrote ‘In the Shadow of Giants: Mountain Ascents, Past and Present’ (1981), relating his climbs on Mont Blanc, Matterhorn, Jungfrau, Monch, Eiger, Everest, Fuji, an[read more]
Roskelley, John Stories Off the Wall 1993 Mountaineers Seattle 1st, 8vo, pp.223, 32 color & 24 bw photos, red cloth; dj w/ large taped tears back, book, cloth w/ name, fine #25052 $19.00 $17.10
A fine collection of stories from the Cascades and Yosemite to the Karakoram, Himalaya, and Russian Pamirs. Out of print in hardcover. SB R002.
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all curre[read more]
Shipton, Eric Land of Tempest: Travels in Patagonia 1958-1962 1963 Dutton NY 2nd, 8vo, pp.224, photo frontis, 24 bw photos, 3 maps, green cloth; dj w/ edge tears, good+, cloth near fine #10110 $35.00 $31.50
Accounts of four expeditions in the isolated regions of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Neate S59.
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all current offerings from the AAC Library,
Shipton, Eric Land of Tempest: Travels in Patagonia 1958-1962 1963 Dutton NY 1st, 8vo, pp.224, photo frontis, 24 bw photos, 3 maps, green cloth; dj w/ fade strip on left side cover, vg, cloth fine #24948 $75.00 $67.50
Accounts of four expeditions in the isolated regions of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Neate S59.
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all current offerings from the AAC Library,
Smith, Albert The Story of Mont Blanc 1974 Gastons-West Col Reading 1st thus, 8vo, pp.xii, 219, 8 ads, frontis, text illus, green cloth; dj rubbed, vg, cloth w/ King blindstamp, fine #24951 $69.00 $62.10
Smith was an English writer who had a passion for Mont Blanc. He climbed the mountain in 1851 and produced an illustrated lecture which ran for six years and made him a rich man. A reprint of 1853 first edition. Neate S8.
King, Benjamin E (Tom) (1929 – 1985) – AAC member who wrote ‘In the Shad[read more]
 Spring, Bob & Ira High Worlds of the Mountain Climber 1959 Superior Seattle ltd signed ed #383/2000, 4to, pp.143, photo frontis, 5 color & 101 bw photos, grey cloth; signed Harvey Manning, Bob & Ira Spring, dj separated along rear flap, chipped top/bottom spine, rubbed, good, cloth fine #24952 $27.00
A classic photo-album of mountains in the western US. Manning wrote the text to accompany the Spring’s great photos.
Neate S154.[read more]
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