Messner, Reinhold Zurück in die Berge [Back in the Mountains] 1977 Athesia Bozen 4th, 4to, pp.119, 41 color & 15 bw photos, pictorial cloth; inscribed, cloth fine #25027 $65.00
With the photos of Ernst Pertl, Messner provides his thoughts on mountains and mountain life. This is his first book. In German, no English translation.[read more]
Messner, Reinhold & Alessandro Gogna K2: Mountain of Mountains 1981 Kaye & Ward London 1st, 4to, pp.175, photo frontis, 150 color & 31 bw photos, 9 maps/sketches, photo eps, brown cloth; dj w/ ½” tear top edge, clipped, else fine, cloth tight, fine #27830 $49.00
A hard book to find on Messner’s K2 ascent. Includes a history of attempts and ascents and is chock-full of pictures.
Neate M89, Yak M171.[read more]
Messner, Reinhold & Alessandro Gogna K2: Mountain of Mountains 1981 Kaye & Ward London 1st, 4to, pp.175, photo frontis, 150 color & 31 bw photos, 9 maps/sketches, photo eps, brown cloth; signed Messner, dj w/ light fading to spine, clipped, near fine, cloth w ‘Signed’ sticker to front board, former tape marks front/rear boards from flap taping, name, near fine #27286 $95.00
A hard book to find on Messner’s K2 ascent. Includes a history of attempts and ascents and is chock-full of pictures.
Neate M89, Yak M171.[read more]
Messner, Reinhold & Alessandro Gogna K2: Mountain of Mountains 1981 Oxford NY 1st, 4to, pp.175, photo frontis, 150 color & 31 bw photos, 9 maps/sketches, photo eps, grey cloth; dj lightly rubbed, unclipped, else fine, cloth tight, fine #27582 $24.95
A hard book to find on Messner’s K2 ascent. Includes a history of attempts and ascents and is chock-full of pictures.
Neate M89, Yak M171.[read more]
Messner, Reinhold & Alessandro Gogna K2: Mountain of Mountains 1981 Kaye & Ward London 1st, 4to, pp.175, photo frontis, 150 color & 31 bw photos, 9 maps/sketches, photo eps, brown cloth; signed Messner & Audry Salkeld, dj unclipped, near fine, cloth fine #22210 $225.00
A hard book to find on Messner’s K2 ascent. Includes a history of attempts and ascents and is chock-full of pictures. Uncommon copy signed by Audrey Salkeld who did the translation.
Neate M89, Yak M171.[read more]
Messner, Reinhold & Alessandro Gogna K2: Mountain of Mountains 1981 Kaye & Ward London 1st, 4to, pp.175, photo frontis, 150 color & 31 bw photos, 9 maps/sketches, photo eps, brown cloth; signed, dj clipped, fine, cloth tight, fine #21963 $145.00
A very hard book to find on Messner’s K2 ascent. Includes a history of attempts and ascents and is chock-full of pictures.
Neate M89, Yak M171.[read more]
Messner, Reinhold & Horst Höfler Hermann Buhl: Am Rande des Möglichen [At the Edge of the Possible] 2003 Germany 1st, 8vo, pp.272, photo frontis, 20 color & 110 bw photos, sketch, page-ribbon, blue cloth; signed Diemberger, dj & cloth new + audio CD-Rom. #23660 $75.00
A new biography of Buhl with a great many photos. In German, no English translation.[read more]
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