Peary’s Arctic Quest: Untold Stories from Robert E. Peary’s North Pole Expeditions: Kaplan, Susan A. & Genevieve M. LeMoine
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Peary’s Arctic Quest: Untold Stories from Robert E. Peary’s North Pole Expeditions

Author(s): Kaplan, Susan A. & Genevieve M. LeMoine

Copyright: 2019, US
Specifications: 1st, 8vo, pp.xv, 189, photo frontis, 58 color & 59 bw photos, color chart, 4 color maps, blue cloth
Condition: dj & cloth new

Robert E. Peary made history in 1909 when he returned from the Arctic claiming to have reached the North Pole. Unfortunately, upon his return, he learned that another man, Frederick A. Cook, also claimed to have reached the Pole, and to have done so before Peary. Neither claim has ever been completely verified, but dozens of books have been published arguing on behalf of one or the other of these men.

This richly illustrated volume, however, provides a different perspective on Peary’s North Pole expeditions. By shifting the focus away from the unanswerable question of whether he truly reached 90º North Latitude, the authors shed light on equally important stories and discoveries that arose as a result of the infamous expedition and those that preceded it.

Peary's Arctic Quest ventures beyond the well-cited story of Peary’s expedition and uncovers the truth about race relations, womens’ scientific contributions, and climate change that are still relevant today. Readers will gain a greater appreciation for Peary’s methodical and creative mind, the Inughuit’s significant contributions to Arctic exploration, and the impact of Western expedition activity on the Inughuit community.

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