Shackleton’s Critic: The Life & Diaries of Eric Stewart Marshall
Butler, Angie & Beau Riffenburgh
Copyright: 2020, UK
Specifications: 1st, 8vo, pp.340, photo frontis, 116 bw photos, plan, 2 color fldg maps in pocket, pictorial cloth
Condition: signed Butler & Riffenburgh (on bp), issued w/o dj, cloth new
On 9 January 1909, Eric Stewart Marshall joined Ernest Shackleton and two others in raising the Union Jack high on the desolate Antarctic Plateau, farther south than any men had reached before. A month and a half later, his individual heroics saved his three companions, who would otherwise have been doomed to icy graves. Two years on, Marshall stood alone on a ridge deep in the interior of New Guinea, the first man from the Western world ever to see it.
But Marshall received neither fame nor fortune from these great achievements, and the man described by fellow explorer Raymond Priestley as having ‘the build and arrogance of the class rugger forward’ became ever more embittered. As time passed, much of Marshall’s spleen was directed at Shackleton.
This book tells the story - and presents the stirring and previously unpublished diaries - of this remarkable explorer, the man who would prove to be Shackleton’s severest critic.