Tide Cracks and Sastrugi: An Antarctic Summer in 1968-69: Connell, Graeme
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Tide Cracks and Sastrugi: An Antarctic Summer in 1968-69

Author(s): Connell, Graeme

Copyright: 2011, Canada
Specifications: Ltd ed 500, 8vo, pp.290, 46 color & 80 bw photos, 1 color & 1 bw map, wraps
Condition: signed, new

What makes a person pack a bag and head off into the vast white, frozen, inhospitable desert of Antarctica? Is it adventure, tales of heroism and sacrifice, science or simply because it is there? In a mix of nerve-tingling drama, history, anecdote, and the physical and emotional unknown, Connell talks about his odyssey on the continent at the bottom of the world as a member of the New Zealand Antarctic Research Program. His book is a glimpse of NZ’s Antarctic activity at the tail end of the first decade of modern exploration. It is also a snapshot of a young, disillusioned small town newspaper journalist who seeks change to embrace all that life has to offer for himself, his wife and family. Of the 500 printed copies, only 400 had color photos.

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