Bellingshausen and the Russian Antarctic Expedition, 1819-21: Bulkeley, Rip
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Bellingshausen and the Russian Antarctic Expedition, 1819-21

Author(s): Bulkeley, Rip

Copyright: 2014, UK
Specifications: 1st, 8vo, pp.xxix, 276, 7 figs, 8 maps, 6 tables, appendices, pictorial cloth
Condition: issued w/o dj, cloth new

Bulkeley examines the little studied story of Fabian Bellingshausen, and includes the fullest biography of the celebrated Russian explorer ever published. By translating the official reports and other eye-witness documents from the first scientific expedition to the Antarctic of the nineteenth century, conducted 47 years after James Cook's pioneering venture in the 1770s, Bulkeley transports the reader onto HIMS Vostok, one of the most celebrated ships in the history of the Russian Navy. While her seamen marvel at the aurora and her astronomer is nearly blown overboard in a storm, her intrepid commander tacks his ship between the ice floes in zero visibility, with only the menacing sound of the breakers to guide him. The largely unknown history of the Bellingshausen voyage is comprehensively explored, with thoughtful discussion of the achievements and limitations of the expedition and suggestions for further research. A detailed work with a large bibliography.

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