Miscellaneous Data: [Scott, Robert Falcon – British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition 1910-13]. Lyons, Col. H. G.
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Miscellaneous Data

Author(s): [Scott, Robert Falcon – British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition 1910-13]. Lyons, Col. H. G.

Copyright: 1924, Harrison & Sons, London
Specifications: 1st, 4to, pp.[iv], 75, 5 figs, tables, large fldg plan of “Terra Nova” in rear pocket, appendix, original green stapled wrappers
Condition: light fading to spine, plan w/ orig folds & no tears, fine

A host of reports containing interesting information were published for the Terra Nova expedition. Those by the Publications Committee, thirteen volumes, focused on the physical and physiographical material and observations. Those by the Trustees of the British Museum focused on biological and geological results. A history of the expedition was to have been published as well but the interruption of the war caused this to be delayed by which time those by Scott, Taylor, Evans, Priestley, and Cherry-Garrard had already been published. Scarce.

This final volume of the Publications Committee contains information which had not been included elsewhere, such as – a list of expedition diaries and notebooks and their locations, detailed description of the Terra Nova, equipment and stores, notes on sledges, the dogs, ponies, and mules, and tidal observations. The large folding 1/8” = 1’ plan of the Terra Nova shows a side view and the upper and lower decks. This is a most interesting addition to the other expedition accounts. Scarce.

AB-USN 23-65.35, Karrow 413, Mackenzie 96, Renard 186, Rosove 293-13.A1, Spence 730.

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