Expedition to the Edge: Stories of Worldwide Adventure
Martel, Lynn
Copyright: 2008, Canada
Specifications: 1st, 8vo, pp.345, 62 color & 1 bw photos, wraps
Condition: new
Martel has interviewed dozens of the most dynamic, creative and accomplished self-propelled adventurers of our time, from skilled weekend warriors to internationally recognized stars of the professional adventure game. Here she has assembled 60 compelling and entertaining stories that uniquely capture the exploits, hardships, fears and personal insights of a virtual who's who of contemporary adventurers as they explore remote mountain landscapes from the Rockies to Pakistan to Antarctica. Through candid and revealing conversations, she captures the joys, the motivations and the revelations of top adventurers and climbers such as John Amatt, Tim Auger, Wally Berg, Barry Blanchard, Arlene Blum, Glen Boles, Carlos Buhler, Kim Csizmazia, Steph Davis, Kit Deslauriers, Guy Edwards, Will Gadd, Lloyd “Kiwi” Gallagher, Hans Gmoser, Nancy Hanson, Karsten Heuer, Sean Isaac, Chris Jones, Jerry Kobalenko, George Lowe, Warrren Macdonald, Karen McNeill, Pat & Baiba Morrow, Greg Mortenson, Catherine Mulvihill, Sue Nott, Marko Prezelj, Aron Ralston, Bob Sandford, Chic Scott, Raphael Slawinski, Alex Taylor, Sonnie Trotter, and others.