Climbs in the New Zealand Alps: Being an Account of Travel and Discovery
Fitzgerald, E. A.
Copyright: 1896, Scribner’s, NY
Specifications: 1st, thick 8vo, pp.xvi, 363, frontis w/ tissue guard, 48 bw photos/illus w/ tissue guards, 10 text illus, lg color fldg map in rear pocket, teg, uncut, brown cloth w/ leather title patches
Condition: cloth title patches rubbed, DPL, Gabel, & AAC/Gabel bookplates, hinges taped, DPL stamp to title/copyright pages & top edge, map w/ splits along folds, good
Fitzgerald made a number of good climbs after losing the first ascent of Mount Cook to local climbers. Both he and his book were unpopular with New Zealand mountaineers. His light-hearted style of writing also met with critical disapproval. Neate F36.
DPL (Denver Public Library) – For a time, the AAC held its Rocky Mountain Regional Depository Collection at the Denver Public Library. A change in the Denver Library’s policy resulted in this collection of AAC books being relocated to the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1981 with some portion then returning to the Club’s Library.
This book is from the collection of the American Alpine Club Library. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to benefit the Library. To see all current offerings from the AAC Library,
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