Everest: The West Ridge
Hornbein, Thomas F.
Copyright: 1966, Sierra Club, SF
Specifications: 2nd imp, lg 4to, pp.201, color frontis, 88 color photos, map, dec eps, gold dec tan cloth
Condition: signed Hornbein, Norman Dyhrenfurth, Jim Whittaker, dj rubbed, unclipped, vg, cloth tight, fine
The 1963 expedition, led by Norman Dyhrenfurth, placed the first Americans on the summit and made the first traverse - up the West Ridge and down the South Col route. A mountaineering milestone. This is an absolutely lovely, large-format, book with glossy photos. Selected by National Geographic Adventure as one of the 100 Best Adventure Books of All Time.
Winner 2023 National Outdoor Book Award in the Classic category. Neate H112, SB H24, Yak H240.