The award-winning biography of noted British mountaineer Don Whillans! Whillans made a number of outstanding climbs and was a member of numerous expeditions – Central Pillar of Freney with Bonington (1961), Annapurna South Face with Haston (1970), International Everest Expedition with Haston (1971), European Everest Expedition with MacInnes and Scott (1972), Gangroti with Child and Scott (1981), Karakoram with Child, Rouse, and Scott (1983), among others. He ruffled many a feather, which led him to be excluded from some expeditions, but will be remembered as one of the great mountaineers.
Co-winner of the 2005 Boardman-Tasker Award for Mountaineering Literature, Winner 2005 Banff Mountain Book Festival Best Book Mountain History, and Finalist 2005 Banff Mountain Book Festival Best Book Mountain Literature.
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